
Showing posts from October, 2017

Willa's Second Blog

This is perhaps the most important day of my life. First of all, it is the Spooks Times, the most colorful and invariably wicked and fun time of the year. I'm quaking. Second of all, I get to write my second blog, which I haven't done since I was a naive little lamb, all the way back when times were void of spook, and I wasn't dressed as Madonna meets Bonnie Tyler. Here is the agenda of the Holy day. BLOG- Corrections Buddy Letters NaNo Prep HW- Prep for noveling! Now, Ms. Nakada is showing us pictures of her adorable offspring. Wow. Remind me to induct these potential Slytherins in the right direction. Ms. Nakada is now addressing Buddy Letters, and frankly this upsets me; the whole 'Buddy Letter' shebang is really putting me off, because it's foggy for me. You see, I threw up eight times on my Mother's bedroom floor, so now I can't eat oyster crackers AND I missed school yesterday. Fun times. Ayden is contemplating his title. Ms. Nakada j...

Maddie's Second Second Blog

Hello... I'm back! Finally, I'm not picked last. Thanks, Mingus. Let's start this awful blog. Agenda Blog Corrections Q & Q  NaNoWriMo Prep   Buddy Letter HW: Get Buddy Letter Signed ( One day to NaNoWriMo)   We started off by correcting Mingus's blog. Bruno was determined to find mistakes in his blog. We transitioned into Q & Q after. The quote of the week is, "If there is a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, you must write it."- Toni Morrison. Ms. Nakada told us a quick story about Beloved , a novel about a baby who was killed on purpose to escape slavery (the person who killed the baby was the baby's mother). The baby then starts haunting the mother. Creepy.  The Question of the Week is, "Do teachers assign too much homework?" Most people say yes, and so do I. There was a huge discussion about the injustice that occurs when teachers would expect us to do homework but wouldn...

Mingus' second second blog

Hello again, Emerson! I'd like to thank my classmates for this opportunity. Sorry for my misguided attempt at humor. Without further ado, let's get started. Agenda Blog-Corrections NaNoWriMo Prep RJ✓ HW- Have a most excellent weekend! We started the class reading and correcting my blog. Yes, I am doing this again. We then went on to go over the Good Book, Bad Book page in our NaNoWriMo packets. A bunch of people said what they think makes a good book. Some of the things said were: action, comedy, subplots, and emotions. We then continued to say what makes a book bad. Someone immediately said "drugs," and Ayden was quick with a response. He seemed like he was really bothered that drugs weren't what made a book good (contrary to his beliefs). We started a character questionnaire, and Willa immediately got excited for it. We talked about how we have to add a good protagonist and antagonist in our novels. OH MY GOD!!! Ms. Nakada just said the who...

Mingus' Second blog

Yay! I was finally picked for the blog (after much begging and commenting on my part). Now, let's get into the blog. Agenda Blog-Corrections Macbeth NaNoWriMo Prep Hw-RJ 11.4 Read for 20 mins get RJs signed We started the class by rewatching the Macbeth summary animated video. Ms. Nakada sent Ayden down to the printer to get something. We then looked over a plot structure of Macbeth and talked about Macbeth's different conflicts and personality traits. Fun. I was gonna let Ayden write something, but the only thing he could come up with was Ayden. Ms. Nakada showed us a Macbeth graphic organizer.

Ms. Nakada's Second Blog

Conlan, for some odd reason, decided to pick me. I mistakenly thought I had already done a second, but then realized I hadn't, so here I am, writing the blog. Agenda Blog Corrections retake STAR test NaNoWriMo Set-Up HW: RJ 11.3 Read for 20 minutes Today, we are in the computer lab in room 202, not to be mistaken for the computer lab in 101 or 102 which is where my students thought we were meeting. Everyone got settled in at computers, and Conlan read his blog. This class often leaves me a little befuddled because of the non sequiturs inserted into class narratives, but I digress. I also took the opportunity to stop Ayden's insertions into the blog. Sorry, not sorry, Ayden. After Conlan's blog corrections, everyone, well, everyone who isn't in Play Production, took the STAR test. A hush fell over the lab and everyone studiously read and clicked away. About twenty minutes into the period, people started wrapping up the STAR test and began creating their Na...

Conlan's 2nd Blog

I'm not going to say anything except three words, eight letters, one meaning. Mi Nam Jef.  Here's the agenda... AGENDA BLOG · Corrections Dia de los Muertos MacBeth HW RJ 11.2 Read for 20 min. Before I go on, I'm not going to do what Jessica did, like write the time and state what people are doing. It's just way way way way way too much work for me. A note from ya boii A-dogg,"jim:Question, what kind of bear is the best bear? dwight:Thats ridicuous jim:WRONG jim:Black bear dwight:Well there are two scores of thoug-- jim:FACT, BEARS EAT BEETS dwight:what? jim:BEARS.BEETS.BATTLESTAR GALACTICA dwight:What is going on?? I am very happy because imatation is the best form of flattery *jim takes out dwight bobblehead* dwight:IDENTITY THEFT IS NOT A JOKE JIM, MILLIONS OF FAMILIES SUFFER FROM IT EACH YEAR jim:MICHEAL dwight:OH VERY FUNNY, MICHEAL thats from the office if you dont know it dont judge Sooooo, that took about half the period or at l...

Jessica's Second Blog

AGENDA -Blog Corections -Q&Q -BR✓ - AYPH : Intersections reader's/writer's workshop HW: RJ 11.1 Read for 20 minutes As I sat down, I was greeted with a "Welcome to the Dogg Haose." I know that's spelled wrong, but Ayden made me write it like that. Everyone started targeting Veronica for being mean. "I haven't said anything!"-Veronica "She doesn't even go here" -Willa QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "For life and death are one, even as the river and sea are one." - Khalil Gibran Abril said, "Life is everything, and death is where it ends." Willa said that they are linked somehow and life leads to death.  Ayden said something about the river leading to death and wishing he could die. I'm actually concerned. Ms. Nakada said that some people fear life and some people fear death. I couldn't hear everyone's response, because Ayden kept writing on my arm. He said that si...

Hannah's Second Blog

So, as Karla previuosly said "Today is a short day, just like me." Here is the agenda and blog: Agenda BLOG Corrections SLC Forms Mañana Iguana Reader's/ writer's workshop RJ✔ HW Have a fabulous weekend!    Ms. Nakada just collected our portfolios, and Ayden is trying to flip the box of Clorox wipes (which is very loud and annoying). We temporarily lost Mañana Iguana , but found it (Ayden was hiding it.) Now, Ms. Nakada told us about a teacher who told her students to speak American. So smart. Mañana Iguana is a very good book. The turtle is the best, he cleaned a whole platter. Willa is dancing and singing to the YMCA, and I told Abril to join her, but she is too shy. Willa wrote a short story that is really not that short, but she won't let me read it. Ayden is being really, really annoying and is blowing on me until I let him write something in the blog. However, Emmette distracted him and now he stopped. Now, Ayden is poking my arm until ...

Third Second Blog (Karla)

Usually, when I walk into this class, I'm happy. Not today, and it's all Bridget's fault. Now, I feel like Ms. Nakada is judging me and it's all thanks to Bridget. Okay, let's get on with the blog. AGENDA BLOG corrections AYPH : CLASS STRUGGLE Reader's/ Writer's Workshop HW: RJ 10.4 Read for 20 min (GET SLC FORM & RJ'S SIGNED) Ayden is weird, you probably already knew that. A Note From A-Dogg: (these notes will not be corrected. They are too much.) Hei its addog again on the block in cut un the but, karlaa succx g-reg i love u, conlin u ar baad ay ovurwotch Now we have to answer some questions. Here they are: 1. What led to the women's workers strike at the Triangle Shirtwaist Co? 2. How did the AFL differ from the IWW? I knocked down Ayden's "creation." It's really just a pencil on top of three pens. I am unimpressed. I  should probably answer the questions now. Here are some things I noticed while procrasti...

Second Second Blog (Shoshana)

Agenda Blog ● Corrections SLC Reader's / Writer's Workshop ( 72 ) HW RJ 10.3 Read for 20 minutes Ms. Nakada let us know people used to have to write out the SLC forms, thank goodness that is no longer a thing. You must, show your "Binder Reminder," your blog, your reading journal, portfolio and your work you are most proud of. Apparently, a kid got his mother to write him a note. I feel like that would be Bridget or me.  We are now learning how to find out word count. Much fun. Period 4 has the most words read. Go us! The back of the SLC paper is for goals.  Probably going to fail this novel thing.  "Logistically my book is going to have a lot of sex stuff, okay let's be real, its going to be porn." - Ayden "No mean descriptions of me." Ms. Nakada  "If I hear jeesh what the heck one more time..." Ayden - Willa is playing her eyes, not sure why. - Period 3 only has to write 10,000 words, unfair. - Elise is playin...

Veronica's First and Last Second Blog

Yay! I'm first for the second round of blogs! Get ready for a novel long blog. Agenda  BLOG- corrections Class/Gender/Race/Character Development Reader's/Writer's Workshop HW: RJ 10.2 Read for 20 minutes Okay, here's a message from Ayden:    original [Hey its adog what a do my firnds, its ya boi, a dogwazowski on the cut, in the but. Okay bye, once again its ya boy a dog, okay bye..]     corrected [Hey, it's A-dog. What ado, my friends. It's your boi, A-dogwazowski on the cut, in the butt. Okay, bye, once again, it's your boy, A-dog, okay bye...] Now that that's over, Ms. Nakada is talking about Maddie's blog and Thor's trip to El Salvador. Nevermind, we're moving on to work on our English notebooks. I left mine at my desk so I wouldn't have to do it. Ayden is bullying Emmette. Classic. Ayden wants to be an Outsider. Little does he know, he is indeed a Soc. In fact, we're all truly Socs. Sure, you could argu...

Maddie's First Blog.

Oh come on! I should of guessed I would be picked last. I can blame myself though, because I told everyone not to pick me.  I guess I can't escape the consequences. :(  Anyway... Here is the agenda. AGENDA Blog Corrections Reader's/ writer's workshop RJ✔ HW : RJ 10.1 Read for 20 min.  We started with Delaney reading her very short blog (no offense).  Great, because her blog was short, the time to write my blog came quicker. We corrected her blog, which didn't have very many mistakes (Good Job Delaney! Please don't be mad that your blog was short). We then moved on to the Quote of the Week which is: "Success travels in the company of very hard work. There is no trick, no easy way." -Coach John Wooden, creator of the Pyramid of Success...*cough cough ESA cornell notes. Ms. Nakada told us about some person ( I forgot who they were) who scored three goals at their soccer game. She also told us that the team they were playing wasn...

Delaney's First Blog

AGENDA BLOG • corrections 10 week grades reader's/writer's workshop HW- Enjoy the weekend!      We started off by reading Zia's blog, and then correcting it. It only had one mistake, which made Ms. Nakada introduce the goal of having no mistakes in the blog. She told us that if we didn't have any mistakes, we would earn points. After that, we took out our English notebooks, and added in more scores to calculate the total for our 10 week grade. Then, Ms. Nakada selected students to pass out past work, and told us to add it to our portfolios.      Once everyone had their work, Ms. Nakada told us to flip to a new page in our notebooks, and titled it, "Proofreading Marks." She wrote down different symbols, and what they mean on your essay (I will attach a picture of the notes at the end of the blog). Next, the class started reader's and writer's workshop. We were instructed to either read or write, until the end of the period, so ther...

Zia's First Blog

I finally got picked to do the blog. I thought I was going to be picked last, but I guess not. :)  AGENDA BLOG corrections The Outsiders       Book v. Movie    HW- RJ 9.4 20 min.   Get RJ signed We started off by correcting Abril's blog, which was really good, and had a lot of puns. We then started to watch The Outsiders. The part we were on was when everyone is visiting Johnny, and he passes out. Pony and Cherry talk, and Pony asks if she wants to go she Johnny, but she said that she couldn't because he killed Bob. Pony and the greasers walk around together having fun, and the rumble begins! Pony gets punched in the face, and everything turns into chaos. it starts to rain, making it more dramatic, along with the music. Pony and Dally get pulled over, and Dally tells Pony to act sick, and pretend like he fell off his motorcycle. The policeman belives him, and tells them to follow him. Johnny tells Pony to stay gold, and then he dies. ...

Abril's first blog

This is very exciting. My hands feel numb, and kind of tingly. Let's get started. AGENDA Blog, corrections The Outsiders : book v. movie HW: RJ 9.3 20 MIN. Elise is great. We just finished correcting Hannah's blog, which was great. Now we're watching  The Outsiders  movie. Darry just shoved Pony, and now he (Pony) and Johnny are running away. Every one seems pretty into the movie. The movie has pretty good sound. I can't say the same about the visuals though, since I'm typing. OH NOOO, IT'S THE SOCS. They are in the park, and there's a lot of tension. NOOOOOOO. Now, they're drowning Pony. Here comes Johnny... Now, Bob is dead. Yasin looks really concerned and into this film. He genuinely looks sad for Pony and Johnny. That's nice. Now, Pony and Johnny are asking Dally, who is shirtless, for advice. Matt Dillon has a deep voice that is kinda unsettling, but it's ok. He has a nice chin, too. Now, Pony and Johnny are ...

Hannah's First Blog

Today, I am doing the blog, again, because my blog got deleted. Oh, well, at least it's Tuesday. I'm sorry about my blog being super short, but we watched The Outsiders for most of the period, so there wasn't much to write about. Here is the agenda and homework: Agenda BLOG corrections The Outsiders          Book v. Movie HW RJ 9.2 20 mins Ms. Nakada just asked us to open our notebooks. The question that we should think about while watch the movie (which I am very excited about as I have never seen The Outsiders film before) is: How does the filmed production stay faithful to or depart from the text? Willa is in the midst of a very passionate pantomime to the opening song in The Outsiders, and I must say it is very entertaining. The movie is pretty good so far but we haven't seen very much of Rob Lowe or Matt Dillon so I assume it will get better. Also, I don't understand why Veronica is so mean to Chelsea, she is very nice. Veronica is a ...

Chelsea's First Blog

Thanks, Veronica for writing about me so much and embarrassing me in the last blog. I'm really bad at writing, so don't expect this to be as interesting as Veronica's. AGENDA Blog • Corrections In-Class essays Complete • Print • Highlight Reader's workshop HW: RJ 8.4 Read for 20 mins Get RJ signed  Just now, Ms. Nakada finished correcting Veronica's blog, and now we're moving on to finishing our essays. Nobody is really doing anything other than that right now, so I'll continue later.   Karla just asked me to shoutout her instagram so here it is: @karla.ucelo ... You're welcome. Everyone is still doing their essays, so I'm going to start reading. Ayden (sorry if that's not the way you spell it) came by and called me a dork, so thank you, Veronica. Apparently, Bridget isn't very good at spelling, because she keeps coming up to Ms. Nakada asking how to spell things and interrupting my reading (: .   Ms. Nakada is now reminding peopl...

Veronica's First Blog

The time has come! Cool, I guess. Chelsea keeps staring at me and my writing, so shoutout to Chelsea if this is bad. Agenda BLOG- Corrections In-class essays PARAGRAPHS 1-3 HW: RJ 8.3 Read for 20 mins Right now we're correcting Chris' blog, but that's kinda boring me (no offense), so I'm trying to look at what my good friend Chelsea is doing. She's reading What Happened to Goodbye, it looks kind of interesting. It's about this girl's parents and other stuff I'm losing interest in already. Now, Ms. Nakada is going over our essays. The prompt I chose was the one about the Curtis brothers and how unique the are. Chelsea is doing the 'Will Ponyboy Stay Gold?' one. Ms. Nakada is passing out the cool thingies and I kinda want one because they're super fun to write on. I argue with Chelsea about it, because I want her to go get one, but she doesn't want to because she's lame. I don't know why people keep saying writing th...

Christopher's First Blog

Alright. Agenda Blog corrections  in class essay p. 1-3 H.W and RJ 8.2 Book for 20 mins Ms. Nakada began by explaining that "Blue Jeans and White T-shirts" should be direct quotes. She told us the essay will be due at the end of class on Thursday and to not spend too much time looking for a quote. Then, the class started to work, and it was silent, so I'm going to start working too. 8 mins later.... Then, Ms. Nakada told the class we can use a keyboard to write our essay. Then, Ms. Nakada showed and explained to us how to use the magical keyboard. Ms. Nakada told us melancholy is her favorite word, I think. I have short memory. She showed us a depressing essay about why Pony won't stay gold. An eternity later, class has ended, and I have written a lot, at least for me. P.S. I'm done

Emmette's First Blog

Wow, thank you Noah! Imagine my surprise when I got called on, by you, my friend, someone I trust, or, well, trusted... I simply cannot believe you. Ha ha, just kidding. Kind of. Anyway, let's begin. :-) Agenda Blog • Corrections Q&Q In class essays on The Outsiders HW RJ 8.1 Read for 20 minutes "This place could be beautiful, right? You could make this place beautiful." -  Good Bones, Maggie Smith How long should we shield children from all that is terrible in the world? We began class with reading Good Bones by Maggie Smith, then discussed the shooting at Las Vegas, then the quote itself. We also discussed the question of the week, which is leading to a pretty sad conversation, so I'll skip out on writing about it. Half my blog wasn't saved, but I'll post photos of what we looked at.