Hannah's First Blog

Today, I am doing the blog, again, because my blog got deleted. Oh, well, at least it's Tuesday. I'm sorry about my blog being super short, but we watched The Outsiders for most of the period, so there wasn't much to write about.

Here is the agenda and homework:

BLOG corrections
The Outsiders
         Book v. Movie

RJ 9.2 20 mins

Ms. Nakada just asked us to open our notebooks. The question that we should think about while watch the movie (which I am very excited about as I have never seen The Outsiders film before) is: How does the filmed production stay faithful to or depart from the text?

Willa is in the midst of a very passionate pantomime to the opening song in The Outsiders, and I must say it is very entertaining. The movie is pretty good so far but we haven't seen very much of Rob Lowe or Matt Dillon so I assume it will get better.

Also, I don't understand why Veronica is so mean to Chelsea, she is very nice. Veronica is a terrible person, because Karla asked how many people felt personally victimized by Veronica and a bunch of people raised their hands, including poor, poor Chelsea.


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  2. UPDATE #1

    Packing up at home. Very hectic. I'm bringing my lucky Hawai'ian coral I found on a beach by my friend's house on the North Shore for good luck and for a short TSA line.

    More updates later.

  3. MMMMMM…. of course Veronica personally victimizes everyone. I MEAN SHE'S VERONICA. Nothing new, but i'm glad we get to talk about her flaws i mean once again she likes MATT DILLION like geesh what the heck did you see how mean he is in the movie, but of course she likes mean people……………

    -Elise George of the Jungle

  4. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡» UPDATE #2:

    Check-in line for Avianca really long. Actually, really long is an understatement.

    Guess a lot of people wanna go to Central America.

  5. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡» UPDATE #3:

    The lucky Hawai'ian coral was a scam; TSA lines are longer than the lines to get chocolate milk back in 7th grade. Our plane got moved to the International Terminal, so that's nice.

  6. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡» UPDATE #4:

    Flight got postponed until 12:35 PM. Had brisket tacos, black beans, and guacamole for dinner at some place. They were good. Well, I got an hour to kill. And it won't be on doing these updates that nobody will read.

    And why is it that the horrendous country of Argentina gets a spot in the World Cup but the U.S doesn't? SAD!

    P.S. This is the last update I'll be doing in the U.S. There's no WiFi on the plane and even if there was, there'd be nothing to write about. See you in El Salvador.

  7. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡» UPDATE #6:

    Be prepared to read this whole thing.

    Flight was a mess. They canceled the previous flight to San Salvador and had to squeeze everyone into our plane. They needed to upgrade the plane from an A320 to an A321 to fit the people from the other flight, so that caused a one hour delay. Once we got on the plane, we had to wait 45 more minutes since the crew were settling with where to seat the other guys. Once we took off, it was 5 hours to San Salvador. It was a disaster trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Good thing the headrest's edges turned, they secured my head from moving around. Once I "woke up", we had an omelette, yogurt, granola bar, and some apple juice. Decent breakfast.

    We got off the plane and blazed through customs. Guess the lucky Hawai'ian coral wasn't a scam after all. Or maybe it doesn't like security lines.

    It was a 1 hour drive from the airport to where I'm staying, near the border with Honduras. We had some pupusas on the way there. We also got this huge watermelon that weighed 4 kilos. That was a delicious watermelon.

    I'll continue writing updates on [insert victim's name]'s blog's comment section.

    P.S. Ants here are bigger than my toes. Jeesh, nature.

    1. This is awesome. Thanks for keeping us up to date on your travels. Nature, jeesh.


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