Veronica's First and Last Second Blog

Yay! I'm first for the second round of blogs! Get ready for a novel long blog.


BLOG- corrections
Class/Gender/Race/Character Development
Reader's/Writer's Workshop

HW: RJ 10.2
Read for 20 minutes

Okay, here's a message from Ayden:
[Hey its adog what a do my firnds, its ya boi, a dogwazowski on the cut, in the but. Okay bye, once again its ya boy a dog, okay bye..]

[Hey, it's A-dog. What ado, my friends. It's your boi, A-dogwazowski on the cut, in the butt. Okay, bye, once again, it's your boy, A-dog, okay bye...]

Now that that's over, Ms. Nakada is talking about Maddie's blog and Thor's trip to El Salvador. Nevermind, we're moving on to work on our English notebooks. I left mine at my desk so I wouldn't have to do it.

Ayden is bullying Emmette. Classic.

Ayden wants to be an Outsider.

Little does he know, he is indeed a Soc.

In fact, we're all truly Socs. Sure, you could argue your life is too tough to be a Soc, but 'things are rough all over' and generally, this class' lives aren't that bad. We're all privliged, really privliged in fact. Ayden is claiming he isn't privliged, which is really ironic. He says he would like me to note he thinks this because he's Muslim, which I guess is accurate, but nevetheless, he still lives in Westwood, goes to a good school, buys Supreme (even if it's fake), and therefore, Ayden is privileged. Ayden is actually a really good example at how all of us deny our privilege in order to claim "I'm not the bad guy! I'm not privileged because I'm _______________!"

I think we do this because we think being privileged makes us 'bad', when in reality, it can make us good. See, privilege is a useful tool. If we use our privilege, we can help those who don't get the same chances we, as privileged people, get. (Sorry this is bad, it's really hard to write when Ayden's spitting on my arm.) Anyway, we can use of privilege to help other in tons of ways! One time, on my 7th birthday, my mom did this really cool thing were she used my money to send a girl in India to school. I used to hate the fact she did that but looking back, I realize how important that gift was. Now, we do it every year.

Gah, enough of my preaching. Let's get back to the comedy.


"Ayden is stupid." - Conlan, 2017.

"Buttery." - Anthony Hernandez, 2017.

"I want goldfish." - Conlan, 2017.

"Cory in the House." - Thor, 2017.

"I wish he'd stop calling me Madster." - Maddie, 2017.

And my personal favorite: "

I'm starting to realize how truly annoying Ayden is. God, I'm really starting to dislike this kid. I miss Chelsea. I look back at her now and see her working really hard. She's so smart... Look at her, with her glasses, and her careful study. Stunning. Truly stunning.

Ayden keeps bugging me with bad jokes, little does he know I'm ignoring them all. He read that sentence and cursed me out. Fun times. Ayden jokingly tried to propose to me. I can really see why he sits up here alone with no one.

I almost forgot! Willa asked me to write about her!

She's talking to Ms. Nakada right now. I'll wait until she's lost in thought. That's the best way to write about people, when they're busy and distracted. It's how you capture their true self.


- Conlan is reading the book Dwight Schrute said he'd take to an island with him. Intersting.
- Ayden is yelling about social injustice. Oh, the irony!
- Ayden is trying to debate with me about how Asian names are harder than White People names. I disagree. What about Tchivaoksyahwjahjwwhatever? And Beethowdfajksdahwhatever? EVEN SAWYER IS A HARD NAME TO SAY! HOW DO YOU SAY SAWYER?


She's smart. Like, really smart. Smarter than me, probs. Jk, definetly smarter. Except, she likes Snape.

Which brings me on my paragraph about how Snape sucks. But that's for my next blog. Crap, okay this is getting lowkey overwhelming and now I'm screaming internally.

Chelsea told me not to write about her, little does she know I already did.

God, okay, I have to go... I hate how short this is but, alas, life is short. Live it to the fullest. You only YOLO once, my dudes.

Quote of the century:

"Shut up, Emmette." - Chelsea Carmichwhatever.

"why are you writing everything i say?" - Chesleakdjsa

"Oh my god." - Emmetdhsjkdfa



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