Maddie's Second Second Blog

Hello... I'm back! Finally, I'm not picked last. Thanks, Mingus. Let's start this awful blog.


Q & Q 
NaNoWriMo Prep 
 Buddy Letter

HW: Get Buddy Letter Signed ( One day to NaNoWriMo)

  We started off by correcting Mingus's blog. Bruno was determined to find mistakes in his blog. We transitioned into Q & Q after. The quote of the week is, "If there is a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, you must write it."- Toni Morrison. Ms. Nakada told us a quick story about Beloved, a novel about a baby who was killed on purpose to escape slavery (the person who killed the baby was the baby's mother). The baby then starts haunting the mother. Creepy. 

The Question of the Week is, "Do teachers assign too much homework?" Most people say yes, and so do I. There was a huge discussion about the injustice that occurs when teachers would expect us to do homework but wouldn't tell us what it was. 

Next, we moved onto NaNoWriMo prep and discussed conflicts for our 20,000 word novels. We learned about external and internal conflicts. Ms. Nakada used the example of Jim and The Outsiders. The conflicts were man vs. man, man vs. nature, and man vs. himself. In my novel, I think I'm going to have multiple conflicts for all of my characters... no one is safe. * Que dramatic music*

I think Ayden just fell asleep. Nope. He's awake. We moved on from conflicts to settings.  I'm know just realizing this blog is way shorter than the other one :(. The tone that I want to use for my novel is creepy and mysterious. Just like Stranger Things. Don't give me sarcastic comments. Stranger Things is my FAVORITE show. I already finished the second season even though it came out on Friday. I'm devoted, okay! Shame on anyone who wasn't seen it yet. For those who haven't seen it here is a synopsis.


  We start of this amazing series by seeing a scientist go missing at Hawkins Labratory. After this creepy scene, we meet four D&D players: Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Will. After they finish their 10 hour game, They go home. On Will's way home... he sees something. He goes into his shed to hide but later disapears in a blink of an eye. This is the big conflict in the season. The three boys who are left ( Mike, Lucas, and Dustin) try to look for Will. The chief of Police, Jim Hopper and Will's mother Joyce Byers ( who goes crazy because her son is missing) are also looking for him. While Mike, Lucas, and Dustin are looking for Will in the woods, they find this girl named Eleven ( Elle for short). Eleven has telekinetic powers and has opened a gate... TO THE UPSIDE DOWN ( and the Demogorgon). She also knows where Will is. THAT'S ALL I'M GOING TO SAY !!! GO WATCH STRANGER THINGS.

 Right now, Ms. Nakada is going over how many words we should average during November. I think I'm going to try at finish my novel over Thanksgiving break. The class is now getting out a piece of notebook paper to start their buddy letters. After working dilligently on my summary, the bell rang. So long period 4, until my next blog. GO WATCH STRANGER THINGS!!!

( I'm still holding a grudge, Hannah)


  1. Guys, explain the buddy letter please. Some one. I wasn't there.

  2. siriusly guys siriusly
    (that was kinda a harry potter reference)

  3. HahahahahahHahahahah! You weren't there!!!! That's my evil laugh btw


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