Willa's Second Blog

This is perhaps the most important day of my life.
First of all, it is the Spooks Times, the most colorful and invariably wicked and fun time of the year. I'm quaking. Second of all, I get to write my second blog, which I haven't done since I was a naive little lamb, all the way back when times were void of spook, and I wasn't dressed as Madonna meets Bonnie Tyler.
Here is the agenda of the Holy day.

BLOG- Corrections
Buddy Letters
NaNo Prep

HW- Prep for noveling!

Now, Ms. Nakada is showing us pictures of her adorable offspring. Wow. Remind me to induct these potential Slytherins in the right direction. Ms. Nakada is now addressing Buddy Letters, and frankly this upsets me; the whole 'Buddy Letter' shebang is really putting me off, because it's foggy for me.
You see, I threw up eight times on my Mother's bedroom floor, so now I can't eat oyster crackers AND I missed school yesterday.
Fun times.
Ayden is contemplating his title.
Ms. Nakada just asked Ben if he had a voice to match his costume: The Man Who Looks Like A Quesadilla Someone Picked The Chicken Out Of.
Ben did indeed have a matching voice.
By the way, if you don't understand the pseudonym, I just assigned the president; It's Donnie Johnnie.

Time to hear about my novel!

I'm going for 30k words, but I secretly hope for the even 100k. Not for the end of the month, but just in general. Writing is so fun. I really don't understand how people can hate it.

Oh, lord. Ms. Nakada just mentioned a book called Bad Feminist, and it really reminded me of that one sketch SNL did, where all these women started singing this song about not being able to write a song about feminism.
Is that relevant?
Probably not.

Here are some things I'm seeing around the room:
1. Ayden is attempting to be interesting on my command. He is failing, which is peculiar because he has never failed to sufficently annoy any other bloggers.
2.Veronica is staring diligently at her iPad screen. She claims she is Frida Khalo, but she is sadly sans-unibrow. Disgraceful.
3. Emmette is Riche Tozier. Inspired. Iconic. Wow.

Ok, so I'm in deep trouble, because Ms. Nakada just explained some stuff that was most likely really important, and I have an inkling that I comprehended none of it.

Here are some things I have been thinking about lately:
1. There are like three people that are always, WITHOUT FAIL, mentioned in the blog. Just always.
2. I should really just up and cancel all friendships with people who don't think Snape is a gem.
3. The glasses I have for this costume are more than I will ever be.
4. Why would Mia say Ms. Nakada's accent is good? Was it for the grade? To be polite? I just can't understand it.
5. The 80s had so many blonde female icons? Madonna? Blondie? Cydni Lauper? I really want to watch the Goonies now.
6. *insert Stranger Things intro soundtrack*
7. Is Billy in Stranger Things racist? Like, is that why he hates Lucas?
8. Ben is abusive, everyone. He clobbered me in the eye in gym. He claims it was an accident, but I have to say, of all the things I am afraid of, Benjamin Goodman dressed as Donald Trump hitting me in the eye at supersonic speed is definitely in the top ten.

Ok, the bell just rang.
This blog has been the epitome of my existence.


  1. Bully doesn't like Lucas because he made Max sad and he actually has a heart and cares about his sister

  2. Also Ben goodman is the god king of all. And Goonies is the best. And: SNAPE ISN'T THAT BAD VERONICA!!! And she probably just said that Ms. Nakada's accent was good for the grade

  3. And the people usually mentioned in the blog are(in no order): Ayden, Veronica, Emmette and/or Bruno

  4. I hope that answers all of your questions and is correct

  5. And also, remember your self worth. No glasses can ever be better than anyone. Be the flawless unicorn you and everyone else are.

  6. Also. I didn't know that Veronica was being Frida Khalo. Good costume then Veronica


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