Veronica's First Blog

The time has come! Cool, I guess. Chelsea keeps staring at me and my writing, so shoutout to Chelsea if this is bad.

BLOG- Corrections
In-class essays

HW: RJ 8.3
Read for 20 mins

Right now we're correcting Chris' blog, but that's kinda boring me (no offense), so I'm trying to look at what my good friend Chelsea is doing. She's reading What Happened to Goodbye, it looks kind of interesting. It's about this girl's parents and other stuff I'm losing interest in already.

Now, Ms. Nakada is going over our essays. The prompt I chose was the one about the Curtis brothers and how unique the are. Chelsea is doing the 'Will Ponyboy Stay Gold?' one.

Ms. Nakada is passing out the cool thingies and I kinda want one because they're super fun to write on. I argue with Chelsea about it, because I want her to go get one, but she doesn't want to because she's lame.

I don't know why people keep saying writing the blog sucks; it's kinda fun being up here chilling with Chelsea. I begin to realize that, if anyone is lonely up here, it's poor Chelsea. So many people come up here to write, but they don't take the chance to really connect and be a part of Chelsea's life. She has so many stories to tell, so many ideas to share, but no one listens... It's tragic, really.... I bet nobody knows Chelsea has scoliosis. I bet nobody knows Chelsea's passion for nothing. No one understands Chelsea the way I do. We have a bond stronger than any bond ever created.

Even now, she leans over to me and whispers in a way only Chelsea can whisper;

"I hope you get scoliosis."

Thanks, Chelsea.

Anyway, Bruno is just standing near the table looking at random stuff. I wonder what's going on in his head, what is he thinking? What genius bubbles and brews in his mind? His grey aura gives a strong vibe of wisdom and knowledge. Now he's falling asleep. Such majesty, such intellect.

Now, it's getting kind of boring, so I'm just going to remind everyone Monday is the start of the week.

Aw man, there goes Bruno. He walks thoughtfully back to his seat and continues his studies there. I look back now and see him working vigourosly. Truly inspiring.

UPDATE: I'm still mad at Chelsea for not getting the thingy.

Narts, now I'm thinking about my abuela for some reason. If she were here, she'd give me something to eat and complain about how skinny I am. Then, she'd probably go on about how I should be more active in church. Damn, I miss my abuela. (Abuela is a word which here means 'grandmother' in Spanish. It's not what I really call my abuela, but I don't want to be bullied today so I won't tell you.)

Chelsea took off her glasses to read. That always cam across as kind of dumb to me because don't you need the glasses? Oh well, Chelsea is mysterious and one cannot speak for the odd things a wise man does. (Man is a word which here is gender neutral and refers to mankind.) She saw the paragraph I wrote and is now reading with her glasses on, what a bandwagoner.

People keep coming up to Ms. Nakada, and I'm just now fully realizing how short she is. Huh.

I waved to Noah. That was cool, I guess. I just made eye contact with Abril, and she made a weird face and asked me to write about her.

Abril is really cool. She's like the little sister I don't deserve. She does have her faults, though. For one, she thinks Saturday is the start of the week. What an amatuer.

I'm looking around the room again and here's some things I notice:
  • Noah tapping his chin thoughtfully
  • My stomach growling 
  • Chelsea being a dork (as per the usual) 
  • Some poeple have star stickers on their faces
  • Karla diligently working (can't stop the grind) 
  • Chelsea being a dork (again) 
  • Noah glaring at me (wow, what a meanie) 
  • Bridget suffering from her bacterial infection (R.I.P Bridget) 
And finally, 

  • Chelsea being a dork (for the third time) 

I'm thinking of noiminating Cheslea for the Dork of the Year award. (Dork is a word which here is an endearing word and is quickly becoming overused by the author).

Wow, Ms. Nakada looks really short next to Ayden. Is that mean? Oops, sorry.

Hi, Chelsea; you're staring again.

Ugh, so many people keep sneezing. ('So many' is a term which here means 'two'.)

I have nothing else to write about so here's an update on Chelsea:


She's still a dork.

My blog is becoming a little long, so I'll try not to write about every single thing that's happening. I'll stick to the important stuff from now on.

Ms. Nakada is collecting the thingies now and everyone is scrambling to get ready to get out. I'm really hungry and I'm thinking of eggs while Chelsea is bullying me for my word choice. Anyway, class is coming to a close and Chelsea is ready to fight me for writing about her so much in this blog. It's not my fault she's such a mysterious subject that deserves proper documentation.

"I'm such an amazing human being, I'm so nice. I'm a great friend." - Chelsea Carmicheal, 2017.

"I hope you eat some rotten eggs and get sick." - Also Chelsea Carmicheal, 2017.

Here are our lovely faces. Thanks for having me, period four.

See you later, alligator!


  1. Anyone wanna join the religion of TEAISM

  2. SUNDAY is the first day of the week. Check a calendar if you don't believe me. Stop living in Latin America, where the week DOSE start on Monday, and get a reality- nay, common sense check. I have a calendar from Mexico in my kitchen, trust me, I know that in SOME counties of this Universe the week starts on different days.But just check literally any Planner or Calendar of US accordance, and you will see that the week dose, as a matter of FACT, start on Sunday.

    Post Script: Im not saying the week should start on Sunday (it really shouldn't), but thats not what were discussing.

  3. Wowzerssss…. what great blog!

  4. But it would have been better if we just took a moment to talk about how Veronica is somehow always wrong…hmmm.. lets see

    1.) She thinks the week starts on Monday but really it starts on Sunday.
    2.) She thinks Matt Dillion is better then Rob Lowe when once again she's wrong

    should i continue… NAHH

    But it's okay Veronica i still appreciate you even though your always wrong, and stubborn.
    NEXT TIME you should write about me instead of Chelsea and her mean comments towards you so yeah.


    -Elise George of the Jungle….

  5. Someone please tell me why Abril is the ONLY person who has COMMON SENSE HERE ;
    geesh what the heck I'm SO disappointed…..

  6. okay so everyone is probably sleep so once again…


  7. WAIT!!!! Did you really think i was about to leave… WE'LL you were wrong don't ever judge a book by it's cover.

  8. JK you were right i am leaving


    GOODNIGHT ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Rock on New York...Rock on Chicago...


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