Mingus' Second blog

Yay! I was finally picked for the blog (after much begging and commenting on my part). Now, let's get into the blog.

NaNoWriMo Prep
Hw-RJ 11.4
Read for 20 mins
get RJs signed

We started the class by rewatching the Macbeth summary animated video. Ms. Nakada sent Ayden down to the printer to get something. We then looked over a plot structure of Macbeth and talked about Macbeth's different conflicts and personality traits. Fun. I was gonna let Ayden write something, but the only thing he could come up with was Ayden. Ms. Nakada showed us a Macbeth graphic organizer.


  1. a wonderful blog, i love how much detail and writing you put into this. it's truly a work of art, you should use it for original prose and poetry for a tournament!

  2. It was like 3 paragraphs and had a bunch of other stuff


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