Emmette's First Blog

Wow, thank you Noah! Imagine my surprise when I got called on, by you, my friend, someone I trust, or, well, trusted... I simply cannot believe you. Ha ha, just kidding. Kind of.

Anyway, let's begin. :-)

Blog • Corrections
In class essays on The Outsiders
HW RJ 8.1
Read for 20 minutes

"This place could be beautiful, right? You could make this place beautiful."
Good Bones, Maggie Smith

How long should we shield children from all that is terrible in the world?

We began class with reading Good Bones by Maggie Smith, then discussed the shooting at Las Vegas, then the quote itself. We also discussed the question of the week, which is leading to a pretty sad conversation, so I'll skip out on writing about it.

Half my blog wasn't saved, but I'll post photos of what we looked at.


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