Ms. Nakada's Second Blog

Conlan, for some odd reason, decided to pick me. I mistakenly thought I had already done a second, but then realized I hadn't, so here I am, writing the blog.

Blog Corrections
retake STAR test
NaNoWriMo Set-Up

HW: RJ 11.3 Read for 20 minutes

Today, we are in the computer lab in room 202, not to be mistaken for the computer lab in 101 or 102 which is where my students thought we were meeting.

Everyone got settled in at computers, and Conlan read his blog. This class often leaves me a little befuddled because of the non sequiturs inserted into class narratives, but I digress. I also took the opportunity to stop Ayden's insertions into the blog. Sorry, not sorry, Ayden.

After Conlan's blog corrections, everyone, well, everyone who isn't in Play Production, took the STAR test. A hush fell over the lab and everyone studiously read and clicked away.

About twenty minutes into the period, people started wrapping up the STAR test and began creating their NaNoWriMo accounts! 👏👏👏👏👏 Click here to get to the site.

This is the most wonderful time of the year. I cannot wait to get started on my novel.

Students went to the ywp website and used our classroom code OUAIFTFX to join our classroom and set up their usernames (4_last name) and their passwords.

People started chatting about their novels as they created titles and set goals for this great noveling adventure.

Are you ready? Are you ready? Yeah?

I'm totally ready.

Students got their accounts and set their word counts to 20000 words or more. Then, they packed up and were dismissed to lunch.


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