
Showing posts from September, 2017

Noah's Blog

Wow. What the heck, Karla?! Freaking convincing me you were gonna pick Ron, and then you pick me instead? Disappointed, but not surprised. Whatever, let us begin, I guess. BLOG- corrections  RJ✓ readers workshop Essay basics  HW- have a good one! 12:03  Everyone is correcting kArLa'S blog, which is pretty boring, so I'm not gonna write about it. (p.s. We get it. You like Rob Lowe; doesn't make Matt Dillon any less of a snacc.) 12:05  Now, it's time for the reading journal check, finishing up our "Examining Tone" paper, and maybe reader's workshop I can't tell. 12:12  11:11? Who is she? I only know 12:12  100   100  (holy jeesh, I just made my own emojis haha heck the police). 12:18  In regards to Thursday's comment discusion, as well as an overall statement, SHREK OR DEATH.  12:23  YAY WE'RE AN AMAZING CLASS!!! Love you Ms. N. You the realest.  12:30  Time to learn about the basics of es...

Karla's Blog

*insert self-deprecating disclaimer here* AGENDA BLOG corrections Banned Books Bracket: SPAR Examining Tone Essay Basics HW: RJ 7.4 Read for 20 mins Get parent signature We read Shosh's blog and read Lanfructose's six comments. Then, Ms. Nakada showed us last years 4th period blog. After that, we replied to Lanfructose's comments, asking him why he spoiled The Outsiders for us. Now, we are talking about Koen's baby jokes, and I'm wondering why we haven't corrected Shosh's blog. Just kidding guys, saved by Kate. We finished correcting Shosh's blog, and everyone started talking. After about 10 minutes, most people stopped talking, and we got back to work. Willa and Ms. Nakada got ready for SPAR. I personally think that The Perks of Being A Wallflower is better, but I am terrible at explaining things, so don't expect me to start a spontaneous argument. Then, people started bombarding Willa with questions like, "How can there be...

Shoshana's First Blog

The Agenda for today is: Blog • Corrections Banned Books Bracket : SPAR Examining Tones HW  RJ 7.3  Read for 20 minutes 12:03  We finished correcting Yasin's blog, and now we are taking out our English Notebooks. We are now Ms. Nakada's favorite class!!! 12:07  We are starting "Intro to SPAR."  Which is, a debate style where you are given a resolution. 12:16  We are going to vote on "Banned Books Week Bracket." So far, on the graphic novel side,  Bones, Batman: The Killing Joke, Drama,  and,  Maus  have made it through. On the traditional side,  The Hunger Games, The Great Gatsby, Captain Underpants,  and,  The Perks of Being a Wallflower. 12:28 " Bones  is better than  Maus"  is the assignment for SPAR on the right side of the room.            "  The Hunger Games  is better than The Perks of ...

Yasin's first blog

Well, at least I was picked later in the year. But, none the less, let's get started. Agenda: Blog corrections Banned books tea party H.S. info night HW R.J 7.2 read for 20 minutes We started off correcting Kenzy's blog, which was oddly short, but that's going to end up happening to me too, because I am typing on a short day, anyway. (Hey, that rhymed.) I got a paper called Fighting Words.  It's by Alan Moore and it's a segment from an interview?  We started talking about the tea party where we walked around and talked to people about our banned book quotes. (Wow, that sounds boring when you write it like that.) Everyone stood up and went to go talk to each other, while me being stuck at this desk, had someone come walk over to me. Any who, I'm bored sooo I'll be reading if you need me because nothing is happening right now. 5 minutes later.... It's like a flashback but into the future WOOOOOOOW! We started talkin...

Kenzy's First Blog

Hello, I'm Kenzy, and I am a slow typer, so, yeah, I'm going to be here a while. Anyway, let's get into the blog. Blog Corrections  Q & Q "Blue Jeans and White..." Workshop  HW RJ 7.1 read for 20 minutes OOOOOOk let's do this. First off, we watched a video showing off the top 10 books that got challenged in America. We talked about the books for a little and why they were challenged, for example,  The Hunger Games was challenged because it had a lot of death and more death and Harry Potter was banned because it um, had, um, I don't know here's a link why . If not, then I'm sorry, and I'm wasting time. Oh yeah, we got a new quote and question. Here it is.           "Banning books gives us silence when we need speech. It closes our ears when we need to listen. It makes us blind when we need sight." Stephen Chbosky           Wow, what a quote. Now, here is our question of the week:   ...

Mingus' First Blog (That is how you spell it)

Hello, and without further ado, get ready for the worst blog you will ever see. Here is today's agenda: Agenda Blog corrections reader's workshop RJ     BR Ace on "The Pov. Myth" HW- Happy first weekend in fall. ENJOY! P.S.- I have no idea at all how to put the check next to things. We started the class correcting the blog from the day before. I'm not going to say this person's name because I don't know whether their name starts with a k or c, (and I don't want to offend anyone.) We then started reader's workshop and everyone read a book (obviously). I really hope that the world ends before Monday like everyone says it will so no one will ever have to read my blog. Sorry for the self deprecating jokes, but everyone is reading so I really have nothing to talk about. Since I have nothing else to do, here's the recipe for strawberry cheesecake pancakes: Ingredients: 1 cup strawberry jam 2 cups cut up strawberries frozen sliced s...

Katherine's First Blog

Agenda BLOG-Corrections RJ✓ "The Poverty Myth" Workshop HW RJ 6.3 Read for 20 min. (book of your choice) *get RJ signed We started out by correcting Ben W.'s blog, which had very few errors. Then, not wanting to make the decision on who would do the blog, he told Ms. Nakada to choose. She chose me. After this, Ms. Nakada explained how we are annotating "The Poverty Myth". Ms. Nakada said we should annotate as much as possible with different pen colors, highlighters, ect.. She also said to use emojis and other current phrases that represent the thoughts we are having while reading. I found the article, "The Poverty Myth", very interesting and it gave me another point of view on this issue. I made plenty of annotations and gratefully read the notes written on my annotations. We passed the paper around our tables and wrote notes on the annotations everyone made. I'm now going to read Broken Prey by John Sandford. It's a really d...

Ben's First Blog

You got me, Ryan. You really did. I thought that you'd pick Ayden or someone else, but you chose me. At least it's a short day... Here's the agenda: Blog・Corrections RJ ✓ Quick Write #2       -Will Ponyboy stay gold? HW RJ 6.2 Read for 20 min. (free choice book) We started correcting Ryan's blog, which was pretty good. There were only a few mistakes. I wasn't in class on Monday, so half of the stuff that Ryan talked about made  ZERO  sense, but Greg filled me in (apparently hand soap tastes good). At the end of his blog, Ryan gave us a choice between Rob Lowe as Sodapop (in The Outsiders movie), Matt Dillon as Dally (also in The Outsiders movie) or Hanzo as Hanzo. I definitely, definitely choose Hanzo (11/10).  We started on Quick Write #2. The prompt was, "Will Ponyboy stay gold?" We talked about the reasoning on each side of the argument (yes, he will or no, he won't). I personally think he can't because no one ...

Ryan's First Blog

I knew this day would come, where I would be picked to do the blog. We started off by writing the agenda. Agenda Blog Corrections  Q&Q "Nothing Gold Can Stay" workshop HW  RJ 6.1 Read for 20 mins.  (book of choice) We then started to correct Emma's blog, which went quickly, and this blog will probably take longer (just a heads up). We moved on to the quote of the week which was "Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard" -Kevin Durant. Then, I talked about how Conlan is a huge bandwagoner,  which he is.  Then, Ms. Nakada talked about how her niece used to be really bad at basketball, but with hard work and determination, she could get a scholarship to Yale. The class then moved on to the question of the week which is, "Do schools provide enough opportunities to be creative?" Then, Willa told the story where she got super triggered over losing to someone who talked about hand soap. We finally moved on to ...

Emma's First Blog

Thank you so much Jessica, for choosing me to do the blog, and let's get started with the day. First off, we wrote down the agenda and the homework in our binder reminders. AGENDA - BLOG corrections RJ readers workshop author's chair HW - have an  excellent weekend! After we finished writing down everything, we got out our journals and started quietly reading. As we were reading, Ms. Nakada started walking around and checking off our reading journals. When Ms. Nakada finished checking them off, we started writer's workshop, and she brought out poems by Y rsa Daley-Ward, and Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo. We discussed about what point of view that the writer wrote in, and people snapped when you agreed with something. We started writer's workshop, and a little bit after that, the bell rang and everyone started packing up. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Jessica's First Blog

Hi. I laughed at Anthony when he got chosen, so he wanted to choose me. Then, his blog got deleted and the day after that was Tuesday (a short day), so he decided to be mean and choose Koen. Koen chose Harli. Harli got mad at me today, and that's why I'm here. When class began, students went around getting pizza and donut orders as our prize for getting 10 days of perfect attendance from the class. Then, Ms. Nakada started talking about how she had to help her daughter with her homework because writes threes' incorrectly. Speaking of homework... AGENDA Blog Corrections RJ √ Quick Write #1 reader's/writer's workshop HW: RJ 5.4 20 minutes of a book (your choice) *get parent signatures! Chelsea had to help me figure out how to use the checkmark (a faster way to do it is "option V"). Eveyone flipped to a new page in their english notebook to do the "Quick Write" using the Step-Up To Writing Strategy." After...

Harli's First Blog

First, Koen told me he was going to pick me in 3rd period, so, thanks, I guess. Here is the agenda: Agenda BLOG•corrections RJ✔ Readers workshop Step-up to writing HW RJ 5.3 20 minutes of  a book (your choice) By the time I was done with the agenda, Ms. Nakada was talking about the n word. People should not toss around this word, willy nilly. After that Ms. Nakada asked for a pile in the aisle of reading journals. It is now reader's workshop. We are starting to write about Step-up to writing and an upside down traffic light.  GO! Topic sentence thesis statement... BYE

Koen's First Blog

Well, I am the chosen one. I guess it's not that bad, because it is a short day. Let's get right into the news. Here is the Agenda      BLOG Corrections      RJ☑ Reader's Workshop      Step Up to Writing      HW: RJ 5.2 20 minutes of       a book (your choice)      First, we started out with correcting Anthony's Blog. He made some mistakes, but it was mostly well written. He made some mistakes, like frogot and i , and everyone jumped all over that. Then, we passed all of our previous nights' homework to the front, and we told Ms. Nakada what book we are reading. Once that was over, we started to calm down and do some Reader's Workshop. Then, it was pretty quiet, and it wasn't very eventful, so here is a picture of Pepe. Pepe is used here as the original comic artist intended.  Wow, that picture was harder to get than it was supposed to be. I had to...

Anthony's first blog

Again, ok, I guess this sucks. I suck at everything. Ok, I used a font so it looks like I wrote more. AGENDA Blog Corrections Q&Q Quiz Corrections R.J. HW RJ 5.1 20 minutes of a book (your choice) Quote of the week "Nothing gold can stay."-R obert Frost "Stay gold,Ponyboy. Stay gold."-Johnny  The   Outsiders   Question of the week How should parents handle a bad report card/other problems their kids might have? We started the day by Ms. Nakada saying that my blog was deleted, so, yep, I have to do it again. Then, we started to pass out the quiz and started correcting it. Ms. Nakada gave us time to correct the answers to get part of a point. Then, we discussed the summary, and we passed back the book, sadly. The hw is to record the books and the pages that you read *read 20 min.* So, the bell is about to ring, and I did not write that much. Well, I forgot what I wrote last time, so, ok.

Anthony's First, Unsaved Blog

Ok, so I am bad at everything, so yup. So, I don't know how I got picked, but, ok. AGENDA Blog corrections  RJ  STAR  5 week grades  readers workshop writing conventions  HW RJ 4.3 T.O. p.167-180

Elise's First Blog

Okay, so thanks for picking me. I really appreciate it. Um, I'm not very good with grammar, so forgive me if I have some errors. AGENDA BLOG corrections RJ (check) STAR reader's/writer's workshop writing conventions HW: RJ  4.2   T.O. pg. 161-166 So, after I was kindly picked, we started correcting Conlan's Blog, which didn't take long since he didn't have a lot of mistakes. After we finished correcting his blog, Ms. Nakada asked us to read our chapter summaries to our table partners. After the class quieted down, Ms. Nakada asked around to see if there was anyone who wanted to read their chapter summary out loud to the class, so then Ayden, Willa, and Hannah stepped up (or were picked IDK) and read their summaries out loud. 4.1   Pony hitches a ride home, and tells the gang about Johnny. Dally calls and needs help. The gang meets him at the lot, only to see Dally get shot by police. Pony passes out and for the next few days comes in ...

Conlan's First Blog

Great, I'm picked for the blog. Luckily, it's a T uesday, so there is less writing for me to do. YAY! And by the way, I suck at writing, so don't be surprised if there are  a lot of mistakes. Let's get into the day... AGENDA Blog Corrections Q&Q Star Tests Reader's/Writer's Workshop HW: RJ 4.1  T.O.  p. 150-160 A lot of the class didn't take their STAR tests, so Ms. Nakada sent them to the back to take their STAR tests at the laptops. The class corrected Mirae's blog, which was actually pretty good. There weren't a lot of mistakes, so it didn't take long to correct. After, we went straight to the Quote of the Week: "Things are rough all over." -Cherry Valence  The Outsiders  and Question of the Week: "How do you experience prejudice and privilege?" I didn't quite get what Willa said about what the quote meant, but I do know what I think about the question of the week: you go on the Overwatch fo...