Yasin's first blog

Well, at least I was picked later in the year. But, none the less, let's get started.

Blog corrections
Banned books
tea party
H.S. info night
HW R.J 7.2 read for 20 minutes

We started off correcting Kenzy's blog, which was oddly short, but that's going to end up happening to me too, because I am typing on a short day, anyway. (Hey, that rhymed.)

I got a paper called Fighting Words. It's by Alan Moore and it's a segment from an interview? 
We started talking about the tea party where we walked around and talked to people about our banned book quotes. (Wow, that sounds boring when you write it like that.)

Everyone stood up and went to go talk to each other, while me being stuck at this desk, had someone come walk over to me. Any who, I'm bored sooo I'll be reading if you need me because nothing is happening right now.

5 minutes later....

It's like a flashback but into the future WOOOOOOOW!

We started talking about social skills, and Conlan said that he doesn't talk to anyone unless it's Ryan which is suspicious but yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

We continued to talk about banned books like The Golden Compass which is about ripping people away from their spirit animal? Sounds pretty hippy to me.

Everyone got a high school information night sheet, it seems important so I'm going to type it for you all.

October 12, 2017
5:00-7:00 pm
In the auditorium

I'm out, PEACE!!!


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