Ryan's First Blog

I knew this day would come, where I would be picked to do the blog. We started off by writing the agenda.

Blog Corrections 
"Nothing Gold Can Stay"

HW RJ 6.1
Read for 20 mins. 
(book of choice)

We then started to correct Emma's blog, which went quickly, and this blog will probably take longer (just a heads up). We moved on to the quote of the week which was "Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard" -Kevin Durant. Then, I talked about how Conlan is a huge bandwagoner, which he is. Then, Ms. Nakada talked about how her niece used to be really bad at basketball, but with hard work and determination, she could get a scholarship to Yale. The class then moved on to the question of the week which is, "Do schools provide enough opportunities to be creative?" Then, Willa told the story where she got super triggered over losing to someone who talked about hand soap.

We finally moved on to "Nothing Gold Can Stay" where Ms. Nakada told everyone to glue the poem into our English notebook. We then looked at the "Nothing Gold Can Stay" and did a bunch of stuff, but to be honest I was not really paying attention sooooooo yeah. See picture ------>

Then, we went into the workshop, but before I go you have to answer my question.

           Rob Lowe                                     OR                               Matt Dillon                     OR                                    




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