Katherine's First Blog

"The Poverty Myth"

RJ 6.3
Read for 20 min.
(book of your choice)
*get RJ signed

We started out by correcting Ben W.'s blog, which had very few errors. Then, not wanting to make the decision on who would do the blog, he told Ms. Nakada to choose. She chose me.

After this, Ms. Nakada explained how we are annotating "The Poverty Myth". Ms. Nakada said we should annotate as much as possible with different pen colors, highlighters, ect.. She also said to use emojis and other current phrases that represent the thoughts we are having while reading.

I found the article, "The Poverty Myth", very interesting and it gave me another point of view on this issue. I made plenty of annotations and gratefully read the notes written on my annotations. We passed the paper around our tables and wrote notes on the annotations everyone made.

I'm now going to read Broken Prey by John Sandford. It's a really dark book, but it's really good.


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