Mingus' First Blog (That is how you spell it)

Hello, and without further ado, get ready for the worst blog you will ever see.
Here is today's agenda:
Blog corrections
reader's workshop
RJ     BR
Ace on "The Pov. Myth"
HW- Happy first weekend in fall.

P.S.- I have no idea at all how to put the check next to things.

We started the class correcting the blog from the day before. I'm not going to say this person's name because I don't know whether their name starts with a k or c, (and I don't want to offend anyone.) We then started reader's workshop and everyone read a book (obviously). I really hope that the world ends before Monday like everyone says it will so no one will ever have to read my blog. Sorry for the self deprecating jokes, but everyone is reading so I really have nothing to talk about.

Since I have nothing else to do, here's the recipe for strawberry cheesecake pancakes:

1 cup strawberry jam
2 cups cut up strawberries
frozen sliced strawberry cheesecake
pancake mix

How to make:
Mix up the pancake mix with water. Add sliced cheesecake to pancake mix. Mix cut up strawberries with strawberry jam and syrup. Put pancake mix in pan. Heat at 375 degrees. Keep pancake on 1st side for 1 to 2 minutes. Flip pancake and do the same on that side. Add strawberry syrup mix on top and enjoy.

We finally stopped reading and started our ACE #1. The prompt is: Do the Curtis brothers counter or support the poverty myth? We have to pick one brother and explain how they either support or counter the myth. The bell rang, and it's time to leave, so bye bye.


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