Anthony's first blog

Again, ok, I guess this sucks. I suck at everything. Ok, I used a font so it looks like I wrote more.

Blog Corrections
Quiz Corrections
HW RJ 5.1
20 minutes of a book (your choice)

Quote of the week "Nothing gold can stay."-Robert Frost
"Stay gold,Ponyboy. Stay gold."-Johnny The Outsiders 

Question of the week
How should parents handle a bad report card/other problems their kids might have?

We started the day by Ms. Nakada saying that my blog was deleted, so, yep, I have to do it again. Then, we started to pass out the quiz and started correcting it. Ms. Nakada gave us time to correct the answers to get part of a point. Then, we discussed the summary, and we passed back the book, sadly. The hw is to record the books and the pages that you read *read 20 min.* So, the bell is about to ring, and I did not write that much. Well, I forgot what I wrote last time, so, ok.


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