Shoshana's First Blog

The Agenda for today is:

Blog • Corrections
Banned Books
Bracket : SPAR
Examining Tones
HW RJ 7.3 
Read for 20 minutes

12:03  We finished correcting Yasin's blog, and now we are taking out our English Notebooks. We are now Ms. Nakada's favorite class!!!

12:07  We are starting "Intro to SPAR." 
Which is, a debate style where you are given a resolution.

12:16  We are going to vote on "Banned Books Week Bracket."
So far, on the graphic novel side, Bones, Batman: The Killing Joke, Drama, and, Maus have made it through.

On the traditional side, The Hunger Games, The Great Gatsby, Captain Underpants, and, The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

12:28 "Bones is better than Maus" is the assignment for SPAR on the right side of the room.
           " The Hunger Games is better than The Perks of Being a Wallflower," is the for left side of the room.

Willa is now "presenting" why she believes The Hunger Games is better than The Perks of being a Wallflower. Now, Ms. Nakada is arguing against Willa.

Class is dismissed.


  1. I like the blogs you guys have, but nobody comments and I think that's actually tyranny.

    Take a look at our amazing comment section on this one. WE HAD A FLUBERNUKIN BIBLICLE DEBTE IN TE COMETS:

    I say this not only because its fun but also it wastes time and that's always good at school because WHO WANTS TO LEARN STUFF IMA RIGHT.

    Also Shoshana should pick the second to last person on the left side for the next one.

    Okey bye

    1. Wow i really like this persons comment...


    3. Also can you have Ayden read this pls i feel like it'll be better that way.


  2. Also first person to comment on this wins the last digit of this $4.29 amazon gift card NO SCAM NO LIE TRUST!!! QUESTION MARK WILL BE REVEALED TO FASTEST Y'ALL


  3. Also Ponyboy gets pregnant with one of the socs and the baby doesn't make it because he was a guy... *SPOILER ALERT*

  4. Why, Lanfranco? Why did you spoil the end of The Outsiders? We are all scarred for life, heartbroken that the baby didn't make it. Great. Now my period 4 is ruined.

  5. I thought that Ponyboy got pregnant with Two-Bit’s switchblade


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