Mingus' Final Blog

Let us please have a moment of silence for our lost comrade Greg..........

I stand in the firmest affirmation of the resolution that Willa's cats are superior to Thor's cats.

O.O. prewrite
10 year plan
HW-RJ 19.3 War Lit 15-20 pages

Ayden hasn't greeted me yet. What a jerk. The first thing I hear is Veronica singing the farmers only dating site song. Ms. Nakada is talking about the kid who did a speech about bacteria and soap. Veronica says she hates this girl. Salty kid. Bruno is talking to Thor. SHUT UP YOU INTERRUPTING PSYCHOS!!!!!! I apologize for my earlier outburst. O.O? More like no O! Gotta love your delivery pizza. At least, that's what a kid who got into Yale wrote an essay about. Delivery or Digiorno's? I BLESS THE RAIN DOWN IN AFRICA!!!!!!!!!!!  Anyway, the girl's essay was about "a cheesy circular glory." Everyone is clapping and Ayden is asleep.

I think I'll write about a cool dude in this very room. He is truly a glorious man. He is a truly powerful man. A truly manly man. A truly cool man. Who is he? His name is Ben Wendell. I love that Ms. Nakada thinks she can get me to do O.O. Has Harli ever been in the blog? Well, she has been now. A Midsummer Night's Dream is like one big shroom trip in the forest. We have to choose from three different prompts for the O.O. thing. I refuse to do this. This class just got boring. I heard a cough. Ms. Nakada said something about Fortnite and everyone started talking.

Remember when Ayden used to say, "welcome to the dogg house" when someone came to do the blog? I do. I'm super angry though, because he has still not welcomed me to the "dogg house." First world problems, am I right? I waved at Brandon and he smiled at me. That's the first time he's ever smiled at me. Wow. I'm truly shaken.

Infinity War Spoilers Ahead(you've been warned):

Still here? Good. Remember when Bob the Builder faded away? What about when John Cena punched Thanos in the nuts? Or when Guy Fierri smacked Thanos in the taste buds with his spicy infinity habanero pepper sandwich? What about when Nicki Minaj came up and smacked Thanos with her hair? Or when Kim Kardashian did Thanos' makeup and he looked beautiful.

There is absolute silence in here; the one time that I actually want something interesting to happen. Willa is analyzing the purpose of the essay about pizza. GET OUT WILLA!!! NO SMART PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED HERE!!! I made eye contact with Conlon. He's really scary. Mirae says she isn't a great thinker. I really agree with her. GREG'S BACK!!!! Apparently, he came in when the bell rang, but I didn't notice him. Bruno is being his usual ridiculous self. He says he knew that auditions were Friday. So did I, weirdo. But, I didn't freak out about it. I just glared at Bridget for no reason to confuse her. Now I'm confused.

Ayden is looking for quotes in some book. Who is Jackie really? She silently sits in the back and looks sad. What else does she do? Bridget just got her phone taken away. So sad, so so so sad. I kind of gave up on proper punctuation after a few sentences of this blog. We're doing our ten year plans right now. There's a bunch of drama in this room right now. Apparently, someone stole Hannah's pencil and she won't give the person another one. Everyone always asks, "why do we have to do this?", but no one ever asks "how do we do this?" There's seven minutes of class left. Now, four minutes left.

We're talking about rent. No, not the smash hit Broadway musical, but the rent we will have to pay monthly when we're adults. There's a kid walking back and forth by the door. The bell rang, but I will never leave. GABE'S HERE!!!!!!! I usually don't like little kids, but Gabe is adorable and precious. Ayden is still super creepy about Gabe. Gabe is giving people high fives. Brandon keeps on telling me to leave. You leave, Brandon! I have to leave now. Goodbye.

I leave you with one final message: "Bill Clinton did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky."


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