Koen's 4th Blogger

Yasin tried to pick Chris, but I went up instead because it was a short day.

BLOG corrections
war lit: civilian or soldier
reader's workshop

HW: RJ 18.2
15-20 p. of war

     I started the period trying to get the stupid acid song out of my head. It was almost as bad as the covalent bond video. The atom was singing Christmas carols. Also, the boy's soccer ball goes into a space ships, he makes a world changing discovery that atoms can talk, and he want to get his soccer ball and leave. Such incompetents. Why would he just be punting a soccer ball in the first place. That entire video just made me mad.

     Bridget had to spit out her gum for the billionth time, and she decided to swallow it. Then, we had to do an ACE on the protagonist in your war literature. The question was: Is the main character a civilian or a soldier?

      Conlan and Ayden are conversing about how our 6th period teacher is brain dead and even though she circled everything on their tests, they still got 17/17. Everyone is teetering between grades. Whether it be an A or a B, a B or C, a C or a D, and a D and an F, everyone is still teetering. She said that she wouldn't round up even if you had a 79.99%, it is a C. That also makes me mad.

     Enough about 6th period. Let's move to Ayden singing the worst song on earth, "Safety Dance." Who else hates that terrible song? Most of you don't know what that song is, but if you heard it, you would develop major brain injuries. Now, Ryan and Mingus are talking about Footloose. I never got around to seeing that movie. Everyone tells me that it's good. I guess I'll try to watch it.

     "dude" -Aydenna;sldd;ddfe\ads\okfe'pov;mmmmmmmghuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuw-[h'ads8aivvvjlnrkht,re

     Now, for the biggest debate of our lives: is watching soccer boring? Can we please take a poll? I personally think that watching men score one goal per game is boring. I can't take watching men or women kicking a round object around is boring. We will now take a poll.

     Well, the bell rang, bye.


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