Charlotte's Fourth Blog

Happy second to last week of school!

blog corrections
Last Q&Q
H.S./ college planning
Letter to your future self
HW: Field day trip slips due tomorrow!

We corrected Mirae's blog, which had a couple of mistakes. I will try my best to make no mistakes, but, if we're being realistic, how high of a chance is it that we'll fit in another pizza party before school is over?
We are doing are last question and quote of the school year. Our quote is:

"Self-praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class and be humble." - John Madden

Chaos ensues. Oh no. I had a full blog, but the rest got deleted. I will do my best to reconstruct what I wrote today. We had a big argument about this quote and whether or not self-praise was the same as self-love or self-confidence or if it was conceited to praise yourself.

Our question of the week is:

How have you changed/grown in the past three years?

We then go to, where we compare two private schools (Stanford and Howard) with two public schools (Wichita and Berkeley). Overall, the private schools were more expensive, but had less debt than the public schools. However, the public schools were a lot easier to get into. After comparing in-state tuition to out-state tuition, I've decided that I might have to stay in California for college.

We are then going to compare two to three schools of our choice by ourselves, but the bell rings.


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