Ben W.'s Blog (For the Fourth Time)

Everyone is telling me not to make any mistakes or anything on this blog so we can have a pizza party. I mean, no pressure, right?

Blog · Corrections
War Lit. Setting
Collection Collection

Homework: RJ 17.2 (15-20 pages from your War Lit. book)

Everyone walks into class and writes down the agenda. Last time I wrote the blog, I complained about our ritual of writing down the agenda, which didn't go so well. I promise not to do that again (probably). 

We correct Jose's blog, which has no mistakes. This places a lot of pressure on me, because I need a point to get pizza. Way to go, Jose (that was both sarcastic and to congratulate you).

After we finish the blog, we jump straight into our War Lit. activity. I am reading The Book Thief. It is a great book, but also very confusing sometimes. I mean, its from the perspective of death! 

In the activity, we do A.C.E to find out how World War 2 is introduced into our respective books. In The Book Thief, the book kind of starts at the beginning of the war, so...


I'm kinda bored now, but I don't want to get off track for the fear of losing points. I just feel this itch in the back of my head, like I need to-


Oh, no. There it went.

Well, now we are putting our English notebooks away and moving on to OPEN MIC. It is capitalized on the board, so I am obliged to put it in to my blog capitalized. 

There are like 4 poems read. Willa's is serious. Bruno spoke a poem about the French language. OOOOH MYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. Hannah has a poem about cats. 

Wow. I'm proud of myself. I didn't talk back to Ms. Nakada, and I didn't go too off task (emphasis on the too). The period comes to a close, and I feel accomplished about my blog.

Good bye, friends.

Hello, friends. It is I. I will go now. Goodbye.

Also, I'll have you know that...


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