Zia's Third Blog


BLOG Corrections
Book Bracket
NaPoWriMo: Poems/Prompts

HW: 12 poems
read and written

We started off class by correcting Brandon's blog. Now we are voting for the book bracket, and it is between The Hunger Games and The Outsiders. After we vote, we take out our poem packets and read "Tired" by Langston Hughes. In the poem, Langston is referring to the world and the people in it as rotten fruit. After that, we read "This is Just to Say" by William Carlos Williams. We talk about the poem and take notes. We read "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost, "Fog" by Carl Sandurg, and "Toy Boat" by Ocean Vuong.

After we read and take notes on all the poems, Ms. Nakada tells us that we have to have a list of poems read and written for her to check tomorrow. We talk about the prompts you could use for your poems. Today's prompt is that you could write a lament poem, and/ or write about the last time you cooked for yourself. Ms. Nakada is going around the room to check everyone's poems. Our class always runs out of time when it comes to checking poems because whenever we get to it, we have like five minutes left. We talk about the form of our poems, and about line breaks, syllables, and stanzas.

Other tips she gave us were to take out extra and unnecessary words, listen for the sounds/word choices.

We finish up and Ms. Nakada dismisses us to lunch.



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