Abril's Third Blog

Well, the time has come. I was really looking forward to this not coming. It's as simple as- wit no I won't reveal my mystical technique of not getting chosen for the blog.

blog corrections
extra credit opps.
napowrimo poems and prompts
4 prompts

It's lonely here in my small little blogging corner. I hear so many things I could comment on, but no one would hear me. Being the blogger casts a cloak of invisibility on you. Strangely enough, your hearing senses peak too, so one hears more and listens as they miss out on more. So, never mind that.

How do you get any classwork done while being the blogger anyway. Oh my struggle.

We start reading a poem. Wait, not yet. Ms. Nakada doesn't like her kids??? Okay, we start. Wait, not yet. Ms. Nakada would die for her children. Sweet. Let the poem reading begin. We read, "On the Fifth Anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting" by Melanie Corning

Mingus laughs. Oh my lord. Ms. Nakada recalls the day of the Sandy Hook shooting. She was injured and it happened the day before winter break. We read the poem. It has imagery and tells of what the victims would be doing on this day if they had survived. Snap worthy indeed.
There is mention in the poem of a first snow. We don't get snow down here in Cali. Greg is sad. So is Ms. Nakada. There is glee and then sadness in the poem too, which makes this even more emotional.

Mr.Watson coincidentally walks by right when the class talks of a 4:20 party. Classic.

The poetry collection rubric requirement thingy is written on the board. Ms. Nakada has a fancy shmancy name for her poetry collection.
Greg and I think alike. Air high-five worthy.

Ms. Nakada reads her intro to her poetry collection. Much impressive.

Veronica is talking, as per usual.
Oh, we talk of potential revision strategies.

I will now peruse through poems. Or not. Maybe I'll just sit here and type away my many wise, thoughtfully, complex, intricate thoughts. Veronica asks a question and speaks, as per usual.
Ms. Nakada says , "You should get credit for doing an amazing job."as she encourages us to actually try on our poetry collection.

Mingus has got a plan involving check marks, on how he will write something. I forgot was I was gonna type. Forget this I'll just delete you later.

Everything is so über quiet. Props to Ben G for introducing me to that über cool word.

Mingus is perusing.
Anthony joins him.
Mingus pretends hits Anthony with a poetry collection.
Anthony is still perusing.
He waves at me out of nowhere.
Ms. Davis has come to peruse through the poems as well.
Kenzy too, we make eye contact.
This job of blogging is tedious.
But fun.

blogging is my job
one that no one from me can rob
no matter how big the mob

I don't really like this
I'm doubting I'll this miss

Ms. Nakada reads a poem about her dad. Snap Snap.


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