Thor's DC Blog

Hey, this is the only blog of our last day, eh? 

We woke up and were pretty sad that it was our last day in DC and that this was our only day to play in the snow. Our room left off to the drop-off zone, where we threw snowballs and snow bombs at each other. A few of us were going to make a snowman, but you know how 8th grade coordination is. After a bunch of playing around and tipping on the verge of frostbite, the Almighty Bob and his prophet Chad showed up, who took us to the largest Catholic church in North America, which isn’t even a church. It’s a basilica, because it’s so darn big. But whatever, basilicas are just big churches. I went inside, removed my hat and sunglasses, educated my non-believing brethren about going to church, and browsed around. After walking around on the lower level and seeing all the stuff they had to offer downstairs, we went back up and bombarded everyone with heaping loads of snow. This continued for a while until the Almighty Bob shows up in his bus and takes us to the mall in Pentagon City. Me and Bruno ate at Shake Shack, walked around, spied on people, counted all the people with MAGA hats, played with flags, and the like. Once again, everyone was throwing snowballs at each other while waiting for the Almighty Bob to arrive, which He did. Upon pulling up, it was a race to get to the bus, but nobody went too fast in fear of slipping and knocking all their brains out. We arrived at Dulles about an hour later, saying our goodbyes to the Almighty Bob and wishing safe travels to Chad. Soon, we were aloft, knowing that we’d be back home 5 hours later.


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