RIBOSOME'S 3rd-ish Bloggy

So, hello again, period 4 English class. I should really not be writing this blog, because I feel like I have already done my third blog, if you count my last one. [But it didn't.]

Blog Corrections
Q&Q 15 week
CAASPP sample?
NaPoWriMo poems/ prompts

23 poems read
EAP 23 poems written
Collections due 5/8

So, I would really like to write more than a paragraph in this blog, but we have a history test to study for, and I have not read any of the book, so I am gonna do that now. GOODBYE!

JK! I am not gonna repeat my same mistake. The first thing we did was correct Abril's blog, and it was riddled with mistakes. Then, we moved on to the Q&Q. The quote of the week was: "Water does not resist. Water flows. [...] Dripping water wears away stone. [...] Remember, you are half water. If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does," by Margaret Atwood. After the quote of the week, the class went into a rant about Mrs. Dillmore where everyone complained about how she did not put in any grades, which is weird because she gave me 100% on all of them, so I do not know what was going on there. Next, we did the CAASPP sample and after that we looked at our poem packet, and we read the "Postcard to Baudelaire" by Thomas Lux. Right before class ended, Conlan and I started to think of who to pick, and we think Bridget should.


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