Kenzy's third Blog (I think)

               Time for another short blog by me that is not rant about Argentina, but it does have a picture
               of Chris Bosh (don't know why we're doing this now).


Blog corrections
Book Bracket
NaPoWriMo & Poem Prompt

      We start our day reading Thor's (and I guess Bruno's) rant on Argentina. Mingus tells Thor to pick me and I am now doing this. Ben does not know this, but I have been in a secret competition with him to see if I would be picked for the blog before him. Anyway, we are doing book bracket even though the Agenda says that we were supposed to do Q & Q first. I was too busy typing, and now we moved to something different that I did not hear the name of so now I will do the Q&Q.

The quote for today is...

            "Carpe diem. Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary."
By Mr. Keating  Dead Poets Society

The question is...
                 Who/what defines who you are? 

So, now we have we have a debate about how the Cat in the Hat is a sex offender and likes hanging out in people closets, but I have put The Cat in the Hat in the finals with Green Eggs and Ham, so I need to protect my people. I actually have only piece of evidence. If the Cat in the Hat is a sex offender, why is he not on the banned book list, and if Harry Potter is such a...? Never mind the bell rang. Bye.


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