Brandon's Third Blog

Blog Corrections 
Analyzing SBAC
Book Brackets

We correct Ben Wendell's blog. I am chosen by the class to do the blog. We now have to take out notes from yesterday and our test scores for English and math in seventh grade. The notes we are taking are in hopes for us to do well on the district tests coming up. The class is asked how they exceeded in listening because many people are confused on the part of the test. Ms. Nakada tells us that we should listen to detail and try to read the questions multiple times. Now, we need to set a goal for the research/inquiry which is about how to tell which source is more reliable. I look around the class I see Mingus shake his pencil and points at me. Ben is playing with Greg's lacrosse stick.

The class votes for Wonder and The Outsiders as well as The Hunger Games and Harry Potter. The votes by the class are pretty much what I thought. We read the poem "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" by Robert Herrick. Ben asks if carpe diem means for one to want a sandwich. Ms. Nakada talks about many firsts as Mr. Watson walks by the class bursts into laughter. We get poems so we don't have to search for them on the internet. Mingus gives me a piece of paper that he does not want I crumple it and try to throw it in the trash at the corner I miss. However Mingus grabs it and tries to throw it in the trash and misses from four inches away.


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