Christopher's 3rd Blog

Blog corrections 
TKAM Book v Movie
Essay prompts
HW: RJ 8.1 20-30 pgs. in your book

   We're correcting the blog and everyone is skipping around. Ayden tells me I smell like fish. Nope, turns out it was him. Thanks to Jackie, we have to do blog corrections in our notebooks. Turns out 2nd period couldn't stop laughing when they saw Boo, so they didn't see the end of the movie. We discussed Malcolm X and his quote: "If you have no critics you'll likely have no success." So, we were talking about the Oscars, then went to the Olympics, and everyone was talking about Hockey, but no one is talking about how the Simpsons predicted that USA would beat Sweden in Curling for the gold medal, because of the question of the week: how do awards both enhance and diminish accomplishments? Anyways, we start to watch TKAM, and Heck Tate says Bob fell on his knife. He leaves, and Atticus thanks Boo for saving Jem and Scout. Scout takes Arthur home, and she stands on the porch, and was standing in his shoes.

   We start a new page in our notebooks, which is "Essay Prompts for TKAM." I write for a while then the bell rings 



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