The Third Blog Written by Bruno.

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! Ok, so I'm guessing you're all very excited to see me again, right ? No? Ok.

-New seats
-Welcome back!
-BLOG corrections
-New novels (To Kill A Mockingbird, in our case)

-R.J. 1.1
-TKAM pages 6-19

Very well, the hard part is out of the way. Or not, we're reading a poem, yes, another one. I mean, not that I'm against that... WAIT IT'S JUST THE QUOTE OF THE WEEK NEVER-MIND. As you know very well, I'm much too lazy to copy these down( it's about spring and stuff i don't know im not paying attention), so have fun folks-(this is supposed to be an em dash) TIME TO MAKE EUROPE JOKES !

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life." Mary Oliver. 


so imma just go invade poland thanks.

Here, fine, I'll narrate the class instead (and provide a nuanced critique of Ayden and his being) I didn't.

So Ms. Nakada is talking... yea. I'm too bored, it looks like Ayden is too, yet he won't talk to me. What happened to us, Ayden? What happened? 

Here's a great joke: 
*every European country other than France (

The mood of the class turned rather bleak as Ms. Nakada started talking about death maybe??!! JUST KIDDING IT'S AYDEN AT IT AGAIN WITH HIS 20 BILLION GIRL FRIENDS AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH THAT SEEMINGLY CAME OUT OF NOWHERE.

Question of the week: What are your strongest accomplishments for 2017.

My situation has just worsened; I'm unable to connect to the internet. That's horrible, now I can't even give you guys unoriginal Europe jokes. Honestly, why did y'all pick me, I was completely unprepared.



never-mind they're all soooooooooooo bad

there's life in the ocean...

Hi Folks !

I'm honestly super confused.... in general. Oh ! guess what? We just got our copies of TKAM

ughhh shut up, me ! I think I'm trying just a bit too hard. Am I doing this right?

Ms. Nakada is reading the book, but I'm not paying attention (Also, I think I'm only writing this so you folks aren't completely lost (and to fill up space)).

Back to Ayden !

I stole his hat, yet he's still not paying attention to me.... noo.

I asked the lion what he was doing in my wardrobe...
He said it was Narnia business

I didn't like it, yah I think only he does !

Ok, so here I tried to add jokes:
(my favorite blonde joke)
Ok, so there's this blonde lady in New York City. One day she walks up to the bank and asks for a loan of $5,000. When the bank asks her for collateral, she gives them they keys to her new Rolls-Royce , and the bank-people park it in an underground parking lot. Well, fifteen days later, she returns to the bank and repays the the $5,000 plus the interest (which comes to about 17 dollars), but, it turns out that she was actually a multi-millionare ! The bank found this out and thus, asked her why she would need to borrow a measly sum of $5,000. She replied, "Because, where else in New York City could I park my car for fifteen days, for only $17 !"


We started reading To Kill A Mockingbird. (Not HOW TO, this is not a how to manual). We skipped two pages, met Scout, Jem, Dill, Atticus, and Calpurnia. The setting is the 1930s in Alabama, and the conflict is: how in the sam hill did Jem manage to break his arm. 

Hi! (too many his)

Alright well I'm still confused and France ( ! is over all but everything's still pretty cool I guess;



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