Harli's First Second Blog

BLOG corrections
Review for Quiz #1
Reader's Workshop
HW Study/Prep
for Quiz #1

First of all, it was the first time we did blog corrections in our English notebooks. It wasn't that bad. Then, Ms. Nakada told us to turn to page 100 in TKAM. Then, everyone asked if Ayden had read the book because he didn't know where Atticus said it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. On page 105 Scout said pass the d*** ham. Veronica explained chapter 12 to the class. Ms. Nakada is explaining the visual of Jem destroying Ms. Dubose front yard and breaking Scouts baton. Abril explains that the end of  chapter 12 is about Ms. Dubose having the courage to quit her morphine addiction. Right now Ms. Nakada is writing an impromptu about a lamp. Ok, well this was the shortest blog ever alrighty, bye.


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