Brandon's Second Blog

Blog Corrections RJ
Taking a Stand
Impromptu: thesis/plan 
Reader's Workshop

HW: RJ 2.3 
TKAM p.132-149

Please do not get mad at me for blinding you.

We start the day reading Zia's blog all the while Chris and Yasin are telling Zia to choose me for the blog. Of course she chooses me. Ms. Nakada shows us an Anne of Green Gables trailer. The rest of the class reads their reading journals to each other. Once the class has finished, Abril volunteers to read the summary. We now must get our English journals, and answer the question: "What does it mean to take a stand" Veronica and Ayden volunteer to answer the question of taking a stand. Ms. Nakada wants us to take a moment to think of historical examples of people taking a stand. Ms. Nakada tells us about Tank Man, a man who would not let a tank pass for a pro-democracy movement of the people, and talked to the man in the tank. No one knows what happened to him. Charlotte gives an example of another historical person taking a stand. Greg tells us about the USSR and people reporting you if you say anything bad. We give some more examples like the #timesup movement, the Vietnam War protests, Sojourner Truth, and Dr. M.L.K. Jr.  We watch another video on rights. Now we must write in our English book personal examples some examples include boycotting Walmart, Chick-Fil-A, selecting books from diverse authors, not watching the NFL, and one by Chris walking out of Ms. Hemstead's class when she substituted for Mr. Hastings.  We are now righting about intro to impromptu Ayden askss if he and the speech and debate kids can mentor the other kids. Bruno laughs at this. Ayden responds "be quiet Gomez."

yo its thor  just reminding you that someone please help me oh dear lord D:<


WHEW BOY, IS IT NORMAL OUT THERE! What a day to make Prussia jokes (today is German Imperial Day)! I think I'm right.

Also, Alsace-Lorraine is French. I don't know why anyone would think otherwise.


  1. Hey ayden u read this i hate you the least

    I see "y'all" have been slacking on your commenting duties. I'm disappointed to say the least. Anyway I'm not here to make you question your life choices... (it tends to happen when people scold you on your commenting skills) i just found this subreddit when i was bored.

    keep eating feet

    -Allstate guy

    1. Aw, Lanfranco, it has been so long. You might want to revisit this blog in September. Lots. Of. Comments. But, alas, momentum was lost. Hope you are well.


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