Christopher's second blog


Blog corrections
NaNo wrap up
winter haiku
reader's/writer's workshop

NaNo submission
due tomorrow!
Find a new book to read.

Quote of the week:
 "Be kind to everybody, make art, and fight the power." Colson Whitehead

Question of the week:
What does it mean to have integrity?

Ayden was screaming about how he has opened the door for Willa, and she rejected Ayden (an incident Willa adamantly denies ever occurring).

Ayden, then, after a while, didn't let it go, so the class was screaming at Ayden to let it go.

 *1 hour later * (after the door incident)
Ayden still didn't let it go, but luckily, Ms. Nakada broke it up, and we finally moved on (I think).

Ms. Nakada said that integrity for her was behaving the same way with a sub, as how you behave with the teacher (I noticed Ayden had a stress ball in his hand).

Ayden was breathing heavily and started to squish his stress ball.

Ms. Nakada then explained what winter haiku was: haiku is a form of Japanese poetry usually related to nature.

5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

Ms. Nakada is apparently a fan of haiku.

Okay, so I'm going try to write a haiku myself:
*5 minutes later*
We watched a video explaining hand lettering which is what we will do for our haiku.



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