Phil Swift's First/Second Blog

Ok, let's do this. I was planning to write about Phil Swift in my novel, but instead I'll write about him here. First, though, the agenda.

NaNo Submissions
HW: NaNoWriMo 93% by tonight!

So, Ms. Nakada is talking about our NaNo notes, and how you need to have an About the Author, the beginning, a book cover, and a summary.
She gave us an example of an About the Author which said that Ms. Nakada is a loving tutor or something random. So, that's why Ms. Nakada likes it.
Ayden's looking through his guitar magazine, and commenting on the guitars. "Wow, that's sexy. Oh wow. Oh man."

I'm uncomfortable.

Anyway, Ms. Nakada wants excerpts, which includes the beginning, an allusion, and research. It has to be 600 words maximum for all of them combined.

Ayden's eating his pen.

"Woah, holy Jesus, that is sexy." Ayden's still looking at his guitar magazine. "WOAH!" he shows me the magazine, and I expect it to be something really cool.

It's not. It's a weird looking green box that I think is an amp.

I was watching TV and I saw this commercial that has made me a believer in it's product. The product is called.......

I'll summarize it here.

Here's my (Phil Swift approved) summary.

Phil Swift approves this commercial

Flex Tape is a majestic product that Phil does crazy things for. To prove his product, the Flex brand, is good, he shoots things with a cannon, attacks buckets with chainsaws and huge knives, saws boats in half, and many more things.

Here are some uses for Flex Tape:
-Greg talking too much in math. SLAP ON THAT FLEX TAPE.
-Your cat is waking you up at night. APPLY FLEX TAPE TO ALL BREATHING AREAS.
-Ben raises his hand too much. FLEX TAPE THAT HAND TO THE DESK.
-You have a serial killer in your house, but he's unconscious for some reason. COVER HIM IN FLEX TAPE.
There are many more uses for flex tape, but I don't have time to go into the details.

Anyway, everybody's writing now so I can talk about a movie I was watching. I watched Titanic last night and at the part when the ship broke I just had one thought.

Now that's a lot of damage
It could've been prevented though, if they'd had Flex Tape. Phil says so.
To show you the power of Flex Tape, I sawed this boat in half! Then I put it back together, with only Flex Tape!
Anyway, I changed my entire novel to be Phil-themed, and I think it'll be interesting when Phil has to use Flex Tape to solve his problems. He already tried to attack somebody with a chainsaw and put them back together with Flex Seal.

Ok, I need to go eat lunch now. Phil is the best.


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