Emma's second blog

   Thanks a lot for picking for picking me Mirae, you will get payback. So, here is the agenda and homework.

AGENDA-BLOG-corrections Q & Q makeup NaNo word war 1

HW-NaNo 50%by tonight!

        We went into class and took out our binder reminders and reading journals. We wrote down the Quote of the week, which was "Have no fear of perfection. You will never reach it" by Salvador Dali, and the Question of the week, which was, "Where is your character in the hero's journey?"

        After we completed the quote and question of the week,  Ms. Nakada passed out a paper about thirty-day challenges, and the video that we watched last week. We also were discussing about how we were supposed to be at fifty percent of our goal by the end of this day.
I am not really sure about what else to write about, so I am going to go back to writing.


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