Elise's 1+1 Blog

Hi, I'm back. Yeah, no, not really, actually.

NaNo Update
Hw: NaNo 50% by Wed!

So, we just finished writing the agenda, and Ayden calls me "a poopy head." Hm. Interesting. Then, we look over to the Quote of the Week and the Question of the Week.

Quote of the Week:
"This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after the other. His that easy and that hard." Neil Gaiman

Question of the Week;
What do you want more than anything else?

I would like to DIE! I'm just kidding, well, not really, but ok. Then, I look around and find..

-Ben W. yelling at Conlan for some odd reason, I don't know.
-Emmette comes over, and Ayden hugs her and calls her fuzzy.
-Conlan says his sister watches Minecraft videos.

But now everyone is writing, so it's boring so Bye. IG?

Conlan is singing What the Fart. Link below.

Nevermind. He said it's not a good song; it has to much potty language.

Ayden now says, "Yeah let me get on this iPad because I'm totally gonna type and not listen to music."

OK BYE........... I hate you, Ryan.


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