Jose's First Blog

Thanks a lot, Brandon. I really appreciate it.


Blog corrections
Writer's Workshop:
      Topics, Genres, and Audiences

HW RJ 3.3 T.O. p. 131-149

We started out by reading Brandon's blog, and then I got chosen to write the next blog. The students read their reading (hahaha) journals and some students with good journals (Ryan's isn't included) read theirs out loud. This is the reading journal Ms. Nakada put on the board:

3.2 At the hospital, Johnny is in bad shape, and refuses to see his mom. Dally can't wait for the rumble and asks for Two-Bit's knife. They see Cherry, and Pony and Cherry argue and reconnect.

We continued the Writer's Workshop from yesterday with the topics, genre, and the audience. Ms. Nakada introduced two books in verse called Booked and Out of the Dust. Ms. Nakada also tells us to fill in this sentence: I'm writing a ____________(genre) about ____________(topic) for ____________(audience). She proceeds to question everyone, one by one, on how they filled in the _______.

Insert 15 minutes of silence.

I was honestly so bored, I decided to change the font to Comic Sans, but this website doesn't have it. So, this is the end result.

At last, the period was over. FINALLY!

Note: I wonder who I'll pick next; Mirae, Mingus, or  Conlan??? No one will ever know.


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