Jackie's First Blog

*I'm bad at this writing type of thing, so I'm sorry if there's a lot of grammar or writing mistakes*
Why, Thor, why out of all people, me?
Since I was The Chosen One to write this blog, let's get started.

When we got to class, we sat down and copied the agenda.


Blog Corrections
Intro to Writer's Workshop
Reader's Workshop
HW~RJ 3.1 T.O. pg 100-118

After we copied the agenda, Thor read his blog and also read the recipe at the bottom. I wasn't surprised when I was chosen. I knew I would be chosen by one of Ayden's friends sooner or later.
Then, we wrote down the Quote of the Week and Question of the Week:
Quote ~ "There is a fine line between free speech and hate speech. Free speech encourages debate whereas hate speech incites violence." ~ Newton Lee
We learned that this quote means we have to be careful when saying things that might offend other people.
Question ~ How should people respond to hate speech?
I think people should try to be careful about what they're saying and to choose their words carefully when talking.

Next, Ms. Nakada gave us time to finish our personal writing process paper, or read/take AR tests if we already finished, while she went around checking our Binder Reminder to make sure we were writing down our homework assignments.

When class was almost over, Ms. Nakada told us our writing process paper was our ticket out the door. So, some people quickly finished their paper while others packed up "quietly" and Ms. Nakada dismissed us after the bell rang. After our talk about hate speech, I think I know who I'm going to choose.....*cough*cough*Brandon*cough*cough*


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