Greg's First Blog

Oh God why. Ayden, out all the people, you picked me. Well then, let's begin. We walked into the classroom and we copied the agenda.

Blog corrections
Intro to reader's workshop
Collect summer assignments
RJ ✓
AR/STAR testing
HW Enjoy the weekend!

Then, Ms. Nakada talked about a story for how her favorite new word is "Jeesh." Then, she showed us some editing stuff and I didn't really pay attention because I was too worried about this. So, then we corrected Ayden's blog.

Then, we added in our table of contents for the English class notes. We learned about reader's workshop. Bruno skipped pages by 'accident' when he did it on purpose. We made a T-chart in our book with one side for reading entertainment and one for close reading. 

As a class w/ Ms. Nakada we talked about the difference between the two: how if you're reading for enjoyment and if it's assigned reading you painfully suffer through the book (most of the time). You can read for fun in reader's workshop: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

Ms. Nakada then talks about a super depressing book about two sisters who got seperated and then what other books she read over the summer. So, now we are making a fall reading plan and I'm pretty sure I know what I want to read. We had a chat about recommended books and we talked for a little about them and then we moved on. She asked a couple people for their book ideas and then she asked for the summer hw. Mine was pretty bad. I had more trips then ever this summer and so I did the easiest project there was. The social media one. What I didn't realize was that she would take them on Friday not the day we get back. So I had more time then I thought.

We then went over our summaries for The Outsiders. "Ponyboy, Dally, and Johnny go to the drive-in where they meet Cherry and Marcia. Dally messes with the girls, but Johnny stands up to him. Pony and Cherry go get popcorn, and Pony flashes back to Johnny getting jumped. Cherry says they aren't all like that."


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