Bruno's First Blog

...And so, the imaginary counter in my head ticked to 5 (days) as we commenced the second week in Ms. Nakada's classroom. I was, regretfully, picked by Greg and now, I'm doing my first blog! 😭

We started off by copying the agenda...

BLOG- corrections- Q&Q
"Total Eclipse"
Reader's workshop
RJ ✅

...and the homework:

RJ 2.1
T.O. p. 37-52

Today, for the first time in 38 years, a solar eclipse shed its darkness on our country, so, we (naturally) based our quote of the week on that. "Seeing a partial eclipse bears the same relation to seeing a total eclipse as kissing a man does to marrying him, or as flying in an airplane does to falling out of one."We also checked out Time Magazine's awesome website where you can simulate the eclipse from your point of view (totally not free publicity for Time...). 

Next, we jumped to our question of the week; who is ultimately responsible for educating society?
I believe that in part, we are responsible for educating ourselves, with the guidance of our teachers, parents, etc. The world is what you make of it.

At this point, we were given an essay by Annie Dillard named "Total Eclipse," laughed at Greg for cheating/not-cheating, and got right into the text. The tone of the essay was rather depressing with allusions to mourning the death of someone and falling into a hole! She compares the unfamiliarity of her new environment to going crazy, and her rich constrastions(?) completely differentiate a partial, from a total eclipse. I've personally never seen one, so her words are especially impacting. When we finished reading as a class, Ms. Nakada asked as to write our own account of our eclipse. Mine was no where near as long, bleak, or simultaneously beautiful.

Our class came to a close shortly after, and thankfully, I didn't suffer too much.



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